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I Am back..😉😉🤘
I'll tell you some knowledge shear about RADAR
These things all about Self-Driving Cars 🚨🚨
I think your also interested & enthusiastic like me

RADAR is a Sensor, RADAR full from (or) stands for RADIO DETECTION AND RANGING

RADARs are sensors that we use since the 1930s. Originally, it was used by the military to detect enemy aircrafts. It has been a tremendous sensor during wars, used by every side. Today, it’s a technology used in vehicles for Adaptive Cruise Control, and in autonomous vehicles for obstacle detection. In this article, let’s see how RADARs work, what are the strengths and weaknesses of this sensor, and how it can be used to detect objects positions, classes, and velocities.

Radar are active sensor systems...! that means sensing Environment based on Transmission of Energy. Since it works using EM waves, it can work under any condition.

There are many different types of RADARs, one of the most popular and relevant to our case is called FMCW — Frequency-Modulated Continuous Wave.

It's reflections something estimates these below things
The geometry of the target

• The direction of the RADAR

• The frequency

• The material of the target

Must watch signals in this picture 

Radar : The radar and (same working principles of sonar system) is mostly used for the last line of defense in obstacle avoidance. The data generated by radar and sonar shows the distance as well as velocity from the nearest object in front of the vehicle’s path. Once we detect that an object is not far ahead, there may be a danger of a collision, then the autonomous vehicle should apply the brakes or turn to avoid the obstacle. Therefore, the data generated by radar and sonar does not require much processing and usually is fed directly to the control processor, and thus not through the main computation pipeline, to implement such “urgent” functions as swerving, applying the brakes, or pre-tensioning the seatbelts.

Analyze radar signatures to detect and track objects. Calculate velocity and orientation by correcting for radial velocity distortions, noise, and occlusions.

Radar : The radar and sonar sub-systems are used as the last line of defense in obstacle avoidance. The data generated by radar and sonar shows the distance from the nearest object in front of the vehicle’s path. Note that a major advantage of radar is that it works under all weather conditions. Sonar usually covers a range of 0–10 meters whereas radar covers a range of 3–150 m. Combined, these sensors cost less than $1,000.

Video link:- https://youtu.be/-N7A5CIi0sg

4D benefits are more... than 3D
we truly learn that things...May be in Expect after 5D..., but always be alert for learn something NEW

Advantages of RADAR:-
- Suitable in environment with reflections
- Accurate speed detection
- Send out wave is not affected by obstacles such as  bumpers
- Good distance detection
- Possible for short and long range detection

Disadvantages of RADAR:-
-Beam blockage
-Bad lane detection
-Big size
-Bad vehicle, pedestrian detection

Present trending NEWS of RADAR
May be in the future Lidar replace to RADAR...! Present every autonomous industry researchers discussing about these two sensors

One thing to keep in the MIND Ai and self-driving Car technologies are very vast...! Don't compare yourself to others, You can keep learning..........

Competition And Innovation Are Always happening...!
so you should get really Comfortable with change...

So keep slowly Learning step by step and implement, be motivated and persistent

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I hope you really Learn something from This Blog
