Hey dude...!

I Am back..😉😉🤘
I'll tell you some knowledge shear about ROS
These things all about Self-Driving Cars ðŸš¨ðŸš¨
I think your also interested & enthusiastic like me

ROS (Robot Operating System) open source software, provides libraries and tools to help software developers create robot applications. It provides hardware abstraction, device drivers, libraries, visualizers, message-passing, package management, and more. ROS sometimes called meta Operating systems

ROS2 installation ubuntu 20.04 :- Link

ROS TWO TYPES OF SOFTWARES:- ROS 1, ROS 2 look at this video, you know something about it🧑‍💻👩‍💻👨‍💻

Can I shear something, you blindly go, and Learn ROS 2

Because why ROS 2 Learn, how you say confidently, watch this video :-

This is my recommendation only..🚨🚨🚨🚨✅️

Why it's important for Self-Driving Cars:-

Because integrate everything. You dont know what it is, I'm tell you
Why ROS is interesting for Autonomous Cars Robot Operating System (ROS) is a mature and flexible framework for robotics programming. ROS provides the required tools to easily access sensors data, process that data, and generate an appropriate response for the motors and other actuators of the robot. ROS 2 Supports windows & Linux & Mac os also. ROS1 not supported. Only Linux..

8 reasons to learn Ros:- https://service.niryo.com/en/blog/8-reasons-use-ros-robotics-projects

Watch this video and blog fully....
You know machine learning and deep learning and ai techniques and materials and total e tires project you have, but HOW to connect Raspberry pi that time Ros important.

  • You learned to detect obstacles based on an image, but you never learned anything about how to work with the camera, how to integrate the camera in a real robot, or even how to calibrate it... 
  • You've learned about obstacle detection, but all you ever did was a Jupyter Notebook project...
  • You've learned about Kalman Filters, but your project seems off reality...
  • You know how LiDARs work, but you would never plug a LiDAR to a computer and process point clouds...

In other words, you have the algorithm skills, but not the integration skills, That situations Ros important🚀🚀🚀🚀

Without ROS:-

1- Build Device Drivers
2- Build a Communications
3- Write algorithms for
perception, navigation,
and motion planning
Implement logging,
control, and error

With ROS:-

1- Logging, error 
handling, communications 
framework, drivers for 
standard devices
2- Algorithms for 
perception, navigation 
and motion planning
3- Tools for 
simulation and analysis

ROS software:-Advantages of ROS, Disadvantages:-
See this link, and you will better understand

Cook Book: Link

Present Trending NEWS of ROS :-

ROS VS MATLAB & can I learn ROS 1 or ROS 2
everyone thinking about these things, these software skills are very vast....! scares learn to new Things & Techniques & Technology..., because learning is the time taken process, and developing & errors handling is very hard, maybe this skill has dead in the early stage of tech companies or not use any ones.

So that's why everyone time spends in contact & massaging researchers (or) asking every developer confidence (or) youtube in comment section, is that really needed that skill & is it worth & checking some communities supporting levels, & see advantages and disadvantages of everything. And after realize or decide decision of the one particular thing...! situations like this:- R or python , ROS1 or ROS2 ,🤔🤔🤔🤔, which is best Algorithms for segmentation or detection...etc
My blog gives you clarity of Everything...!

I am asking about MATLAB VS ROS; he said
ME😃Hi sir, how are you doing? I hope well... My doubt is ROS VS MATLAB which you consider to be the major role in self-driving cars, i mean ROS has the same featur

Jeremy Cohen sir😎

ROS is more used and accepted in the pro world. Most companies doing robotics use ROS. And those doing self driving cars modify ROS to build their own ROS.
MATLAB is fantastic, but it’s considered and seen as a university thing (even though some industrial solutions do use it)

ROS2 (Robot Operating System) and MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) which is good for self driving cars

However, they are designed for different purposes and may be more or less suitable for different applications.

ROS2 is an open-source software framework that is designed specifically for use in robotics and autonomous systems. It provides a wide range of tools and libraries for building and programming robots, including support for communication between software components, hardware abstraction, and package management. ROS2 is particularly well-suited for self-driving cars due to its focus on robotics and its support for distributed systems.

MATLAB is a proprietary software platform that is primarily designed for technical computing, data analysis, and visualization. It includes a wide range of tools and libraries for tasks such as numerical computation, machine learning, and data visualization. While MATLAB can be used to develop self-driving car systems, it may not be as well-suited for this purpose as ROS2 due to its focus on technical computing and data analysis rather than robotics.

Ultimately, the choice between ROS2 and MATLAB for self-driving cars will depend on the specific requirements of the project and the expertise of the development team. Both platforms have their own strengths and limitations, and it may be necessary to evaluate them carefully in order to determine which one is the best fit for a given application.


Course suggestions❌️❌️❌️👩‍💻👨‍💻🧑‍💻

--- you can learn everywhere in the world or online also. Because this is very vast domain. So you can learn one or more specific libraries or framework you can learn individually..

--- you can search & learn that things


I will tell you one thing ROS Learn can not do hard way, choose better & smart way

Bounce tip:-
See every Embedding company requires the ROS developer. You think how much valid skill & uses

IF YOU WANT LEARN ROS(this best resource Ever): Link; website: Link

Sensors supported by ROS: Link

ROS1 vs ROS2 - Practical Overview for ROS Developers: Link

One thing to keep in the MIND Ai and self-driving Car technologies are very vast...! Don't compare yourself to others, You can keep learning..........

Competition And Innovation Are Always happening...!
so you should get really Comfortable with change...

So keep slowly Learning step by step and implement, be motivated and persistent

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I hope you really Learn something from This Blog
