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I think your also interested & enthusiastic like me

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I'll tell you some knowledge shear about Lidar
These things all about Self-Driving Cars 🚨🚨
I think your also interested & enthusiastic like me

Lidar is a Sensor, Lidar full from (or) stands for Light Detection and Ranging

Most Self-Driving Cars are used velodyne Lidar sensor's

-Lidar sensor's are active systems..! that means sensing Environment based on Transmission of Energy
-The Lidar 360° rotate, rotate speed 10Hertz
- Produce several different layers like 8 to 128 laser beams to measures the      environment 
-Lidar is uses laser pulses to detect objects & build digital maps of the surrounding area, It's very accurate when it's comes to reading distances & depth and it allow you to Bulid a 3D model of the world around you...


Simple terms It works on the principle of time of flight (TOF) by sending out a pulsed laser of light and measuring the time it takes for the pulse to be reflected back.

3D Like :-

In the processing of Lidar:- START TO END

What are the right steps to learn LiDARs?

Lidar is one part of (SensorFusion),

Types of LIDAR sensor output:-
[1] LaserScan messages
[2] Point Cloud messages

As you can see LiDARS generate a very accurate 3D map of the world around it. This map is visualized in the form of a point cloud.

 points cloud

-They can produce a high-resolution densely spaced network of elevation points called point clouds.

-These point clouds are used to find objects in the surrounding environment of the Vehicle.

-A good Lidar has 8 to 128 laser beams to scan the complete environment at high resolution.

-Then it calculated the distance of the point and hence able to map the surrounding environment in 3 Dimensional very well.

-With its many thousand points, it forms very high resolution point cloud which helps to recognize even small objects around the car and also help to classify them very well.

-It can provide accurate position of the objects in 3D.

-It also provides laser intensity to evaluate material properties of the object from which the laser reflects off.

How much data lidar unit generates?
- it's depends upon Field (or) Place (or) Area
- 100mb per second roughly - More or less
Lidar sensor lasers light not safe for  human eyes

Velodyne’s 64-line LiDAR price is $80,000, and the 16-line LiDAR price is $4,000. The average price of vehicle-mounted semi-solid LiDAR is about $1,000
But companies hard to work reduce prices.

• LiDAR is used on a helicopter or drone for data collection, It's low data collection compare than camera's
• It's used for Emergency braking
• It's used for Pedestrian Detection
• It's used for Collision avoidance

Advantage of Lidar
- Small obstacles detectable
- Good obstacle detection , and time
- Good distance/ speed detection
- High Direct Lighting Effects levels
- High Indirect Lighting Effects levels

Disadvantages of Lidar
- Bad lane detection
- Big size
- Bad vehicle, pedestrian detection Smaller range than Radar
- Huge cost

Become a LiDAR Engineers :-

  1. Understanding Point Clouds and how they are used in today's world 
  2. Machine Learning in 3D and how to process point clouds to find obstacles or the drivable area
  3. Sensor Fusion and how to fuse a LiDAR with other sensors such as cameras or RADARs
  4. Point Cloud Projection and 3D-2D Spaces
  5. Box to Box Fusion and how to fuse 3D Boxes from LiDARs with 2D Boxes from cameras
  6. Deep Learning in 3D and the different approaches to build neural networks to process point clouds, meshes, or graphs
  7. PointNet == The Main algorithm for Deep Learning for Point Clouds
  8. The Advanced Deep Learning Architectures used in the field to detect obstacles - This is about Techniques of DL (Update Everytime)

You dont know some controversy about Lidar:-
Video Link:- https://youtu.be/FnFksQo-yEY

Lidar team says 🗣

2D VS 3D Lidar Scanner 

2D LiDAR and 3D LiDAR are two different types of LiDAR sensors used in various applications, including self-driving cars. Here are some key differences between them:

Measurement Capability: 2D LiDAR sensors provide distance measurements in a single plane (typically horizontal), resulting in a 2D point cloud. They can detect objects in a 2D field of view, but they lack vertical information.

On the other hand, 3D LiDAR sensors provide distance measurements in multiple planes, capturing both horizontal and vertical dimensions. This allows for the creation of a 3D point cloud, providing more detailed information about the environment and the ability to perceive objects in multiple dimensions.

Object Detection: 2D LiDAR sensors can detect objects in their field of view but may struggle with accurately estimating the height or shape of objects. They are suitable for applications such as obstacle avoidance and mapping.

3D LiDAR sensors provide richer data about the environment, allowing for more precise detection and identification of objects. They are beneficial for tasks that require accurate object recognition, 3D mapping, and scene understanding.

Range and Resolution: 2D LiDAR sensors typically have a longer range and can cover larger distances compared to 3D LiDAR sensors. However, they may have lower resolution and struggle with capturing fine details.

3D LiDAR sensors usually have a shorter range but offer higher resolution and better spatial accuracy. They are capable of capturing intricate details of the surroundings, which can be advantageous in applications that require precise measurements and object recognition.

Cost and Size: Generally, 2D LiDAR sensors are more cost-effective and compact compared to 3D LiDAR sensors. This makes them suitable for applications with budget or space constraints.

3D LiDAR sensors are typically more expensive and larger in size due to their increased functionality and capabilities.

The choice between 2D LiDAR and 3D LiDAR depends on the specific requirements of the application. For tasks that primarily involve obstacle avoidance or mapping, 2D LiDAR can be sufficient. However, for applications that require accurate object detection, scene understanding, or 3D mapping, 3D LiDAR provides more comprehensive and detailed information.

You must know about the Lidar

 working in 2D & 3D & 4D(soon) keep

 learning..May be in the Future 5D...be


One thing to keep in the MIND Ai and self-driving Car technologies are very vast...! Don't compare yourself to others, You can keep learning..........

Competition And Innovation Are Always happening...!
so you should get really Comfortable with change...

So keep slowly Learning step by step and implement, be motivated and persistent

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