Hey dude...!


I think you're also interested & enthusiastic like me

You are a beginner or MId-Level senior or Advanced Level

This blog is for all Kind of people's

This blog helps you Become a Best self-driving car engineer

OK, Intro is over Let's Start From Scratch

What is self driving car or autonomous vehicle?
           A car without a driver and ride to every place --it's automatically.. Self-Driving car sometimes called as autonomous car or driver-less car or Robotic car or level-5 car or ego vehicle
LEVEL-5 mostly used ph.d people's and researchers etc...

Why they are called LEVEL-5 specifically
          Because a Level of developments of automobile 🚘 Industry. See this amazing image, It's explains:- Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) 0,1,2,3,4,5 levels
Already popular Companies ride on roads:-

These are Few popular companies, in the Future We Expect more and more[Ex: apple, ola,...etc ] most of cars are Electronical.

Your thinking is like how I Learned this field...
Ok, I'm clearly Explaining my own thoughts...

[ ] - ✅️ or ❌️ 

There are some kinds of people's like
[  ] BE, B.tech, or Bachelor of Engineering Degree [freshers]👨‍🎓👩‍🎓

[  ] Already got job but it's not interesting that field(think to change career transformation)🧑‍🔧🧑‍⚖️👨‍🏭🧑‍🍳🧑‍💻🧑‍🚒🧑‍🎨👩‍🔬👷

[  ] Someone's are Masters and Ph.D. holders & think to research something about these technologies and publishing papers (like CVPR, ICCV, ICML, ICLR, NERULPS)

[  ] Lastly NO DEGREE but Interested to this fields

Choose what your position of the scenario is, after continuously reading...!

First scenario-- BE, B.tech, or Bachelor of Engineering Degree[freshers]
        >In the world🌏🌎🌍 most of people's got degrees of various fields.That awesome, but in the Engineering branches like Mechanical & Electrical & Electric's & Computer science & automobile Engineering etc...! But the special thing is here this field combination of all of the things...! Right

I know you're thinking about me what I completed engineering stream or branch - ok I'm completed Automobile Engineering

Here is the thing branches are not important, SKILL is most important to every field of company...! If you are interested work with anything,do work for that, gain something knowledge and There you go...! DON'T WORRY I'll explain

Second Scenario -- Already got job but it's not interesting that field(think to change career transformation)
          >some times change is good for your body 🏋‍♀️🏋🏋‍♂️
Go head what you think after some research....!  Slow process is not bad at all
[  ] You Must watch: Link this video

Third scenario -- Masters and Ph.D. people are thinking to research something about autonomous technologies & publishing papers
         > I don't write more about these people, because they predict all of the things going into the future Right or Wrong

                      love the Process Not Outcomes

                     Perfect is the Enemy of Good

[  ] You must watch: Link

Fourth scenario --NO DEGREE but Interesting to this fields
         > Your scenario is the fresh mindset & fresh thoughts to start... You must keep in mind certifications are nice to have, not need to have. You have to Search on YouTube lot of people no degree but succeed, but HOW

I DON'T KNOW THAT VIDEOS ARE REAL OR FAKE....! Don't take any chance to blind, research and after go head, Right!

Impossible Takes Time; but you must always keep hope.!

This blog is all Kind of scenario people's

In Self-driving cars have 4 pillars🚘🚗🚕🚐
• Perception:- you find the environment and obstacles around you.

• Localization:- you define your position in the world at 1–3 cm accuracy.

• Planning:- you define a trajectory from A to B, using perception and localization.

• Control:- you follow the trajectory by generating a steering angle and an acceleration value.

Check out I will, provide detailed way of map's click this:- Mind Maps
Here best amazing Mind Maps of self-driving cars:-
You must carefully understand Maps.


[  ] python & learn some popular useful libraries

[  ] C++


[  ] Windows & Linux os

[  ] Robotic os (ROS)


[  ] Google Cloud Platform or Amazon web services

Because no one tells you, some companies used cloud services, big companies like Cruise (use GCP), zoox (aws)...You have to learn 
Data Engineering Skills in the cloud...
it's very important in data management in Self-Driving car
Creating Autonomous Vehicle Systems Second Edition - this book explains how it's important.......

[  ] Mathematics For ML [https://mml-book.github.io/], I'll recommend this book - read & learn & solve Everything

[  ] Nvidia CUDA -- GPU computing program

[  ]Learn machine learning and deep learning [in deep learning you can go deep, you find out [ComputerVision, NLP, audio/Speech Recognition]

[  ] Learn computer vision

[  ] Tensorflow [it is good for product development]

[  ] PyTorch [it is good for research]

[  ] Learn OpenCV

[  ] Learn mainly optimization techniques in Deep learning
I'll recommend these 5 books are awesome....! For Computer Vision:-
1- Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications, 2010.
2-Computer Vision. Models, Leaming, and Inference, 2012.
3-Computer Vision: A Modern Approach, 2002.
4-Introductory Techniques for 3-D Computer Vision, 1998.
5-Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision, 2004.

[  ] Learn LIDAR working & development

[  ] Learn RADAR working & development

[  ] Learn Cameras working & development

[  ] Learn Sensor Fusion (Lidar & RADAR; LIDAR & CAMERA...etc)

[  ] Learn about various Sensors

[  ] Kalman Filter

IN SELF-DRIVING CARS Technology YOU LEARN (Cameras & LIDAR & RADAR) 2D, 3D, Now 4D... after

You Must Keep Updated yourself, Learn New Things

[  ] You must know how to read research papers:- link

Best code editor(personally i like) :-
[  ] Vscode

[  ] Anaconda

[  ] CMAKE

Build projects:-
[  ] Building (own) a project is like real-world experience, so you can learn in a more practical way. Read the research paper and write code, that processes you can see errors don't worry, let's check Google, clear it. Every developer faces so many errors in every day, don't worry keep going...!

[  ] You can participate Kaggle competition...! To get a Rank, Your Resume will be brighter.

[  ] You must keep Notes📒 and write techniques
[  ] You must keep any tablet for better productivity

[  ] Using the best laptop-like build on Nvidia graphic card for better performance.[New to purchase people's]

[  ] If You have old or poor specifications laptop 💻  or pc you can go with Google Colab for free gpu & Kaggle & Deep Note also provide free resources.

[  ] Otherwise, take Cloud(virtual machines) for an hourly charge, see proper plan to utilizing.

[  ] Apple new generation Mac books are have M1 & M2 chipsets, It's also good for python libraries & Tensorflow also supports

[ ] CUDA is not working on MacBooks, you must keep it in mind.

[  ] Create a Twitter account to follow the popular Computervision Scientists & Self-Driving companies

[  ] Create a LinkedIn account and follow the popular Computervision Scientists & Self-Driving companies You can learn more things.

[  ] You Follow my social media I will post New things every day

Must watch:- that's clear The state of the art of Av

1) about ZOOX: Link

2) about Waymo: Link

3) about Nvidia: Link

4) about MIT lecturers: Link

5) about Comma: Link (only just modules)
Must check, you can change your old car to an autonomous car.
How we did, in this process, we have adaptive cruise control and electrical stability control in your cars, that's we made it manual to automatic....🚀🚀🚀

One thing to keep in the MIND Ai and self-driving Car technologies are very vast...! Don't compare yourself to others, You can keep learning..........

Competition And Innovation Are Always happening...!
so you should get really Comfortable with change...

So keep slowly Learning step by step and implement, be motivated and persistent

Thanks for Reading This full blog
I hope you really Learn something from This Blog
