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I'll tell you some knowledge shear about ChatGPT For Self-driving Cars & Robotics & others
These things all about Self-Driving Cars ðŸš¨ðŸš¨

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The future is bright for ChatGPT in the autonomous era. As AI continues to advance, we can expect even more seamless interactions between humans and machines💥💥💥


In an era marked by remarkable advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), the integration of AI assistants into various domains is becoming increasingly prevalent. One of the most exciting frontiers for AI applications is in self-driving cars and robotics. This article delves into the fascinating world of ChatGPT and its transformative role in self-driving cars, robotics, and beyond. This is also called PromptCraft-Robotics.


Boston Dynamics company uses chat gpt to robotics dog, that replies to everyone, following below


Prompt Engineering:- Prompt engineering, primarily used in communication with a text-to-text model and text-to-image model, is the process of structuring text that can be interpreted and understood by a generative AI model.

Learn Prompt Engineering; it helps you more in talking or chatting with  Autonomous Systems.

Why do robots require specialized individuals to prepare it?

Since the robot requires technical skills to communicate with numbers, a professional is needed to operate the robot. If we can control robots using our own words, like humans, instead of writing control codes, the usability of robots will be better. Microsoft researchers believe they can enable human-computer interaction using OpenAI's new artificial intelligence model, ChatGPT.

"Our goal with this research is to see whether ChatGPT can think beyond the text and logic of the physical world or get detailed information about robotics to help human robots," a Microsoft blog post said.

How can ChatGPT transform the robotics industry?

Robot training in its current form requires engineers to translate tasks into machine code. Engineers must stay in the loop when writing new code to adjust the robot's behavior. Microsoft said overall the process was slow, expensive and inefficient. But now there is ChatGPT, which allows non-technical users to stay in  the loop and transform feedback into large language models (LLMs), which are code written for the bot. 

Members of Microsoft's Autonomous Systems and Robotics research team tested ChatGPT in a variety of scenarios. The model was asked to create an algorithm that would allow the drone to reach the target in space without hitting any objects, and it was tested whether the robot could determine its path in real time in line with the suggestions. 

ChatGPT is also  used in armed forces cases, business analysis, and to test the technology's ability to operate drones. These tests are encouraging. "We believe that controlling speech robots is critical to taking the technology out of the laboratory and into the use of everyday users," it said. ChatGPT is a language  trained to understand human-like questions, and  to do so it needs to learn more. The challenge is to teach ChatGPT how to solve problems by taking into account the laws of physics, the context of the working environment, and how robots work to change the state of the world.

How Autonomous Vehicle Uses ChatGPT?

Wayve, date of 20-09-2023....

Inside, they combine Chat-GPT with End-To-End Driving, and can now directly ask the car "Why did you stop???"

And the car replies "I stopped because of red light".

And then, they can start a discussion: "What are the top 3 hazards you're paying attention to?" and it replies: "My attention is on the cyclist, the traffic light, and the pedestrians crossing the road."

I mean, look at this!


This, when re-purposed for the assertive autonomous driving case, can totally help. And this is because it would allow us to train end-to-end models (or) other 4-pillar approaches, and not only explain how they work, but also ask them to behave differently based on the situation.


BEST PODCAST How ChatGPT will affect robotics: Link

APPLICATIONS OF PromptCraft-Robotics (or) Integrate ChatGPT?

It mainly uses Fleet management systems🚀🚀🚀;  PromptCraft-Robotics are diverse and can be highly beneficial in various fields. Here are some of the notable applications:

Autonomous Vehicles: PromptCraft-Robotics can be used to develop advanced control systems for autonomous cars, enabling them to navigate safely and make real-time decisions on the road. Also same uses av like human interaction dashboard including

Training and testing of autonomous systems: Chat GPT can be used to generate large volumes of simulated data for the training and testing of autonomous systems, including object recognition, path planning, and decision-making.

Cybersecurity: Chat GPT can be used to generate attack scenarios and develop security strategies for autonomous systems, such as identifying and mitigating potential vulnerabilities.

Data analysis: Chat GPT can be used to analyze data from sensors and other sources to extract insights that can inform the development and optimization of self-driving cars.

Prediction and forecasting: Chat GPT can be used to develop predictive models for self-driving cars, such as predicting traffic patterns, pedestrian behavior, and weather conditions, to optimize the vehicle's performance and safety.

Virtual assistants for car owners: Chatbots can be used as virtual assistants to help car owners manage their vehicles. For example, a chatbot could provide information on the car's status, suggest maintenance tasks based on usage patterns, and offer recommendations for optimizing fuel efficiency.

In-car voice assistants: Chatbots can be integrated into self-driving cars to provide voice-based assistance to passengers. For example, a chatbot could be used to help passengers find information on nearby restaurants, provide updates on the car's route, and offer suggestions for entertainment options.

Data analysis and insights: Chatbots can be used to analyze data collected by self-driving cars, and provide insights to developers and engineers. For example, a chatbot could analyze data on traffic patterns and provide suggestions for optimizing route planning and navigation.

Manufacturing Automation: In manufacturing, these systems can optimize production processes, control robots on the factory floor, and enhance overall efficiency.

Medical Robotics: PromptCraft-Robotics can be employed in surgical robots, prosthetics, and telemedicine, enabling precise and minimally invasive medical procedures.

Search and Rescue: They can be used in drones and robots for search and rescue missions, helping locate and assist in the rescue of individuals in disaster-stricken areas.

Space Exploration: For space missions, PromptCraft-Robotics can control robots and rovers on distant planets, collecting data and conducting experiments.

Warehousing and Logistics: In warehouses and logistics centers, they can optimize inventory management, automate tasks like picking and packing, and improve supply chain efficiency.

Environmental Monitoring: These systems can control environmental monitoring robots that collect data on air and water quality, wildlife tracking, and climate change.

Entertainment and Gaming: In the entertainment industry, they can enhance the realism and interactivity of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) experiences.

Home Automation: They can control smart home devices, making homes more efficient, secure, and convenient.

Military and Defense: In the military, these systems can control drones, autonomous vehicles, and surveillance equipment for reconnaissance and defense applications.


1- Awesome-LLM-for-Autonomous-Driving-Resources: Link

2- Real-Time Project: Driving with LLMs: Fusing Object-Level Vector Modality for Explainable Autonomous Driving: Link


4- LLM4Drive: A Survey of Large Language Models for Autonomous Driving: Link

5- Must Read This Blog: Link

6- A Survey on Multimodal Large Language Models for Autonomous Driving: Link

One thing to keep in the MIND Ai and self-driving Car technologies are very vast...! Don't compare yourself to others, You can keep learning..........

Competition And Innovation Are Always happening...!
so you should get really Comfortable with change...

So keep slowly Learning step by step and implement, be motivated and persistent

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