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I'll tell you some knowledge shear about Open Source Car Control (OSCC) & Retrofitting Kits
These things are all about Self-Driving Cars and computer Vision ðŸš¨ðŸš¨

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What is OSCC

The Open Source Car Control (OSCC) project was created to give everyone the opportunity to build their own development autonomous vehicle. Other by-wire vehicle platforms (components + vehicle) can cost upwards of $140,000, and are “black boxed,” preventing further investigation and innovation into autonomy. We decided to offer a more affordable, open-source option to developers. By using tools and parts common across robotics and automotive, the software of your choice, and some elbow grease you can build an autonomous development vehicle at a significantly lower cost.

This wiki will guide you through the process, acting as the main source of documentation for developers and engineers working with (or contributing to) the Open Source Car Control (OSCC) project. The goal of this wiki is to house and present all of the information you need to modify a Kia Soul (or similar vehicle) for full by-wire control.

Open Source Car Control (OSCC) provides developers with a collection of firmware and hardware designs for computer control of their autonomous development vehicles. It's a modular, stable way of using software to interface with a vehicle’s communications network and control systems.

OSCC allows developers to:

-- Send control commands to the vehicle

-- Read control messages from the vehicle’s OBD-II CAN network

-- Forward reports for current vehicle control states (e.g. steering angle & wheel speeds)

Control commands are issued to the vehicle component ECUs via the steering wheel torque sensor, throttle position sensor, and brake position sensor. (Because the petrol Kia Soul isn’t brake by-wire capable, an auxiliary actuator is added to enable braking.) This low-level interface means that OSCC offers full-range control of the vehicle without altering the factory safety-case, spoofing CAN messages, or hacking ADAS features.

Converting a traditional, manually controlled vehicle into an autonomous vehicle is a complex process that involves several key components and technologies. Here are the types of conversions or approaches commonly used in autonomous vehicle development:

if you want to know more: Link

The OSCC supports Level- 4 cars to convert Level- 5 (autonomous cars)

(OSSC supports 4-pillar or roubest apporach)

Open Source Car Control (OSCC):

Open Source Car Control (OSCC) is a project aimed at developing an open-source hardware and software platform for controlling the throttle, brake, and steering systems of vehicles. It is designed to enable enthusiasts, researchers, and developers to experiment and innovate in the field of autonomous driving and vehicle control. OSCC provides a standardized interface to access and control the vehicle's electronic control units (ECUs), allowing for the development of autonomous driving software and testing of various vehicle control algorithms.

How OSCC Works in Autonomous Vehicles:

Hardware Integration: OSCC provides a hardware module that connects to the vehicle's ECUs responsible for throttle, brake, and steering control. This module interfaces with the vehicle's existing control systems and sensors.

Software Framework: OSCC offers an open-source software framework that includes libraries and APIs for communicating with the vehicle's ECUs. This allows developers to send commands to control vehicle actions such as acceleration, braking, and steering.

Control Algorithms: Developers can implement various control algorithms, including those for autonomous driving, lane-keeping, adaptive cruise control, and more. These algorithms utilize data from sensors like lidar, radar, and cameras to make control decisions.

Testing and Validation: Using the OSCC platform, developers can test their control algorithms in real-world scenarios and controlled environments. This helps in refining algorithms and assessing their performance under different driving conditions.

Collaborative Development: Being an open-source project, OSCC encourages collaboration among developers and researchers. This fosters the sharing of ideas, code, and insights, accelerating the development of advanced autonomous driving technologies.

Safety Considerations: While OSCC provides an open platform for experimentation, safety remains a critical aspect. Developers need to ensure that their control algorithms adhere to safety regulations and guidelines to avoid any risks to the vehicle and its occupants.

Education and Research: OSCC also serves as an educational tool for those interested in learning about vehicle control systems and autonomous driving. It allows students and researchers to gain practical experience in developing and testing control algorithms.

Customization: OSCC enables customization of vehicle control parameters and behaviors, making it suitable for a wide range of vehicle types and applications.

The Open Source Car Control (OSCC) is an open-source software and hardware platform designed for the development and control of autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles. OSCC provides a framework for researchers, developers, and automotive enthusiasts to experiment with and implement their autonomous driving systems.

Key features and components of OSCC include:

Drive-by-Wire System: OSCC is designed to convert a traditional, manually controlled vehicle into a drive-by-wire system. This means that instead of mechanical connections between the driver controls (such as the steering wheel, brakes, and throttle) and the vehicle's actuators, electronic controls are used. OSCC allows for precise control over these functions using electronic signals.

Modular Hardware: OSCC provides a set of hardware components and interfaces that can be integrated into a vehicle. These components include electronic control units (ECUs) for steering, braking, and throttle, as well as sensors for monitoring vehicle dynamics and environment.

ROS Compatibility: OSCC is designed to work with the Robot Operating System (ROS), a popular open-source robotics middleware framework. This allows developers to leverage ROS's extensive libraries and tools for tasks such as perception, mapping, and control.

Safety Features: Safety is a critical aspect of autonomous vehicle development. OSCC includes safety features and protocols to ensure safe operation during testing and development.

Open Source: As the name suggests, OSCC is an open-source project. The source code, hardware designs, and documentation are freely available to the public. This open nature encourages collaboration and innovation in the field of autonomous vehicles.

Community: OSCC has a growing community of developers and enthusiasts who actively contribute to the project. This collaborative environment fosters the sharing of knowledge and advancements in autonomous vehicle technology.

Overall, OSCC provides a valuable platform for researchers and developers who want to work on autonomous vehicle projects without starting from scratch. It offers a standardized and open framework for building, testing, and experimenting with autonomous driving systems, contributing to the development of safer and more capable autonomous vehicles.

In summary, Open Source Car Control (OSCC) provides a platform for developing, testing, and experimenting with vehicle control algorithms, including those related to autonomous driving. It offers an open-source framework that interfaces with a vehicle's ECUs and enables control over throttle, brake, and steering systems. By promoting collaboration and innovation, OSCC contributes to the advancement of autonomous vehicle technologies.

What is Retrofitting Kits

Retrofitting Kits: Retrofitting kits are aftermarket solutions that can be added to existing vehicles to give them autonomous capabilities. These kits typically include sensors (such as LiDAR, cameras, and radar), control units, and software. They are designed to be compatible with a range of vehicle models and can provide features like adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assistance, and limited self-driving capabilities. old cars to add new car features.

Autonomous driving is something that’s not only for new cars, but a number of startups are working on developing retrofit kits that allow cars today on the road to drive autonomously. Such kits typically come with a number of additional sensors, graphic processors, and the possibility to use existing vehicle components and sensors.

Some of the startups signed partnerships with current automotive players. The general importer of cars from the Volkswagen group for Switzerland AMAG has announced such a partnership with the German startup Kopernikus Auto with the aim to develop an “intermediary solution” or “middleware” that enables autonomous driving for today’s cars.

Such retrofit kits can give lawmakers the required tool to bring autonomous driving much quicker on the roads and reduce accidents and traffic fatalities. It will be crucial that those kits are available at an affordable price. Comma.ai aims at making this available for under $1,000, while others expect the price points to be higher due to higher labor costs

List of companies:

1- Comma.ai Link

2- Kopernikus Auto Link

3- Polysync.io Link

4- Peloton Technology (for trucks): Link

5- AutonomouStuff: Link

6- Drive.ai: Link

Advantages of Retrofitting Kits for Autonomous Driving

Accessibility: Retrofit kits make autonomous driving technology accessible to a wider range of vehicles, including older models. This democratization of technology ensures that more people can experience the benefits of autonomous driving without purchasing a new car.

Safety Enhancement: These kits often come with additional sensors and processors, which can enhance a vehicle's safety features. They can detect obstacles, pedestrians, and other vehicles more accurately, reducing the risk of accidents.

Reduced Traffic Fatalities: By enabling older vehicles to drive autonomously, retrofit kits can contribute to a significant reduction in traffic accidents and fatalities. Autonomous vehicles are less prone to human error, which is a leading cause of accidents.

Environmental Impact: Retrofitting older vehicles with autonomous technology can extend their lifespan, reducing the need for manufacturing new cars. This can have a positive impact on the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with manufacturing.

Cost-Effective: Retrofit kits are often more cost-effective than purchasing a brand-new autonomous vehicle. This cost savings can make autonomous driving technology more accessible to a broader range of consumers.

Disadvantages of Retrofitting Kits for Autonomous Driving:

Installation Complexity: Retrofitting kits can be complex to install, requiring specialized knowledge and skills. This complexity can lead to higher labor costs for installation and potential challenges in finding qualified technicians.

Compatibility Issues: Not all vehicles are compatible with retrofit kits. The availability of kits may be limited to specific makes and models, excluding some older or less common vehicles.

Limited Features: Retrofit kits may not offer the same level of performance and features as integrated autonomous systems in new vehicles. This limitation can result in reduced capabilities and functionality.

Insurance and Regulation: The legal and insurance landscape for retrofit kits is still evolving. Some regions may have specific regulations and insurance considerations that could affect the adoption and use of these kits.

Calibration Challenges: Achieving optimal performance with retrofit kits may require precise calibration, which can be time-consuming and may need periodic adjustments to maintain safety and functionality.

Warranty Concerns: Retrofitting a vehicle with autonomous technology may void existing warranties or affect the vehicle's resale value. Potential buyers may have reservations about purchasing a retrofitted vehicle.

In summary, retrofitting kits for autonomous driving offer numerous advantages, including accessibility, safety enhancements, and reduced traffic fatalities. However, they also come with challenges related to installation complexity, compatibility issues, and potential limitations in features and performance. As the technology continues to develop and regulations evolve, retrofit kits may become a more viable option for individuals looking to experience autonomous driving in their existing vehicles.

One thing to keep in the MIND Ai and self-driving Car technologies are very vast...! Don't compare yourself to others, You can keep learning..........

Competition And Innovation Are Always happening...!
so you should get really Comfortable with change...

So keep slowly Learning step by step and implement, be motivated and persistent

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